
    1. Coach Values Subjective Priorities Recording Part 1 by Greg Lott

    2. Coach Values Subjective Priorities Recording Part 2 by Gregg Lott

    3. The Journey to Self Awareness as a Coach and Practitioner by Richard Husseiny

    4. Redefining Lasting Success in Sport Through The Long Win by Cath Bishop

    5. The Power of Love in Sport by Laurence Halsted

    1. Contemporary Coaching: Constraints Led Approach by Alex Sarama

    2. Coaching the young human animal Part 1 by Frank Forencich

    3. Coaching the young human animal Part 2 by Frank Forencich

    4. Flourishing Through Sport by Kate Starre

    1. Self-Care Tools for Athletes and Coaches by Olivier Goetgeluck

    2. A Mindful Approach to Female Athlete Health by Kirstie Urwin

    3. Mindfulness of Sleep by Eric Spirko

    4. Breathwork for Sport Performance with Thomas Hagues

    1. Creative Writing: Your Story by Georgina Parfitt

    2. Creative Writing: Your Story Part 2 by Georgina Parfitt

    1. Guest Speaker Session: Social Impact. Lessons from building sports programmes and athletes as agents of change on the Zambian/DRC border.

    2. Social Impact Presentation

    3. Guest speaker session: The Honest Truth by Jack Beer

    4. Guest Speaker Session: Beyond Trophies: Coaching for sustainable success and wellbeing

    5. (Part 1) Guest Speaker Session: On Mindset and Finding your purpose

    6. (Part 2) Guest Speaker Session: On Mindset and Finding your purpose

    7. (Part 1) Guest Speaker Session: Steve Bate, Identity vs Worth

    8. (Part 2) Guest Speaker Session: Steve Bate

    1. Movement Class with Oz: Part 1

    2. Movement Class with Oz: Part 2

    3. Movement Class with Oz: Part 3

    4. Introduction to Qi Gong

    5. Movement class with Oz

    6. Movement Class with Oz Jan 8

    7. Movement Class with Oz February 5th

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  • 30 lessons
  • Movement & Mindfulness Classes
  • Guest Speaker Sessions
  • Quarterly Reflection Sessions